
Friday, March 29, 2013

Bring on the chocolate!!!!

Hello Darling Dolls,

As the Easter weekend approaches I'm stocking up on chocolate and hot cross buns as they will be my much needed fuel for the final push of costume making.  A little sad that my Kigu hasn't arrived yet, but hey you can't have everything.  To help the day bring smiles I have decided to hide Easter eggs around my house and sewing room, that way when I'm frustrated I'll have a treat to relieve the tension.  

And with that I'll hop back to my sewing .

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just a quick one

Hello darling dolls just a quick post to say I'm super happy as today is BIOSHOCK DAY!!!!

The amazing collectors addition is now in the house and I can say it's amazing, especially as the artwork book has some wonderful reference pictures for my PAX cosplay project Elizabeth.  So far the game is as stunning as I'd hoped and fighting the urge to spend all day playing but sadly the sewing machine awaits so fingers crossed I can fit some game time in.

Till next time Darling Dolls >hugs<


14 days and counting !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello my Darling Dolls OK so I've been away from my blog for ages but in all honesty the only time I get online these days is for 'How to' tutorials on youtube as the clock is ticking for the D.O.E deadline.  Yep that's right the D.O.E (Den Of Evil) Cosplay group is in the final days of prep for our back to back Supanova conventions.  So this means I've been going slightly crazy as I try and get costumes sorted (by sorted I mean hours spent at my sewing machine), make up trials and more research about finer details.  

Sure for our first big group thing the idea of the villain's of Batman sounded simple enough, however when you have half the group doing their FIRST EVER cosplay I should of expected issues.  Firstly there is the question of which character we are all choosing, thankfully being one of the few females of the group I was spoiled for choice but ended up picking Harley Quinn - a choice I have questioned over the last few weeks as I sat in front of reference material and my sewing machine.  

The other thing was the classic make or buy question.  Now since a large percentage of the group were first timers I suggested that everyone do what was best for them, as we all know everyone has different skills and budgets in a group.  What most didn't factor in is time goes by very fast and regardless if your making or buying your costume that deadline tends to creep up on you.  So 2 weekends ago I lead some of the members of the D.O.E on a 6 hour cosplay shopping mission around the Melbourne CBD.  It went.....well lets just say a much needed glass of wine was had at the end of it.

Anyhow enough venting..... with 14 days and counting I'm in the final stages of my costume and have completed Ra's Al Ghul's costume.  Which means I've made 1 8-panel cape, vest, 2 box pleated skirts, corset, belts, wig styling, badges, D.O.E tags for the new members (plus all the stuff I need for my Hatsune costume for day 2 of the con).  

A couple of my work in progress shots

So what's left to do you may be wondering (apart from have a mini fabric induced breakdown) well.......
  • complete Harley's harness
  • make up trials for Harley, Hatsune and The Joker
  • pack for GC con and day bags
  • group final fitting session

At least I think that's it, but I'm sure the list in my diary is longer LOL.  

Oh and in a weak moment very late at night while taking a much needed break from sewing I ordered my first Kigu (yep its a hello kitty onesie - told you it was a moment of weakness) so I'm excited so see it get delivered and I'll post some pic's when it gets here.

Now its time for me to make another coffee and head off to work so I bid all you darling dolls a great day and speak soon - or if your at Supanova come and say hi.